Jumbo Magnetic Foam Letters from
Childcraft/School Specialty
Uppercase (4.7" high) #295244
Lowercase (4.3" high) #1361628
Upper and lowercase #262296 

STAR POWER Sticker (Sing Talk And Read Play On and Write for Easier Reading) Order from Janway Company sticker account #55329

Early Literacy Tree Poster Scroll down to see poster available in English, Spanish, and printing specs
apple blossom (MSWord) I tape the apple blossom to at the end of the branch of the early literacy component I am highlighting.

Sing Talk Read Write Play banner poster from Multomah Public Library (OR)

Every Child Ready to Read Sing Talk Read Write Play poster from American Library Association

Babies need Words Every Day: Talk, Read, Sing, Play posters from ALSC free download

Talking with Children 3 posters Hanen Centre: Follow Child's Lead, Adjust the Way You Talk, Extend the Topic

Bookmark: 7 Super Things Parents & Caregivers Can Do Early Childhood-Head Start Task Force and U.S. Departments of Education and Health & Human Services Available in Spanish
Brightly colored bookmark for parents on ways to support children's early literacy development. Encourages positive relationships as a basis for language growth.

Let's Get Ready for Reading Guide Toronto (CA) Public Library Booklet available for $3.00

Every Child Ready to Read Kit (second edition) 
Workshops for parents/caregivers on early literacy using five practices (singing, talking, reading, writing, playing) to support early literacy components: oral language and vocabulary, background knowledge, letter knowledge, phonological awareness, and conventions of print.

Storytimes for Everyone! Developing Young Children's Language and Literacy by Saroj Ghoting and Pamela Martin-Diaz
Recognizing that informed, caring adults are critical to supporting early literacy development, this important resource builds on the concepts introduced in the second edition of the ALSC/PLA Every Child Ready to Read® initiative. Offering practical suggestions for incorporating early literacy information and strategies into the storytime setting.

STEP into Storytime: Using StoryTime Effective Practice to Strengthen the Development of Newborns to Five-Year-Olds by Saroj Ghoting and Kathy Klatt. Story Time Effective Practice (STEP), developed by the authors, is an approach that articulates the link between child development theory and storytimes. Shows how presenters can use STEP to craft a storytime that is effective for mixed-age groups and adheres to best practices for emotional, social, physical, and cognitive support. Sample storytime for mixed age groups.

Play and Learn Islands Rancho Cucamonga Library. Contact Renee Tobin Non-member libraries may purchase but will pay a higher price.

Learning Language and Loving It with DVD. Hanen Centre. They have other good books and DVDs on language development as well.

Posters on conversation and talking. Hanen Centre.

Musical shakers Lakeshore Learning

Edushape Blocks
Textured, light-weight, 80 in a package.

We Both Read books
Books that have adult and child text. Designed for beginning readers but can be used in shared reading. Non-fiction titles.