Book Introduction: In our next book, there is a mother hen and her three chicks, one is a Big Chick, one the Middle Chick, and lastly the Little Chick. The Little Chick likes to run on tiptoes, very quickly. Everyone stand up. Let me see you run in place, just where you are standing. Great! Now let me see you stand on tiptoe. That's right you don't touchyour heel to the floor. Now run in place again, but on tiptoe--that's how Little Chick runs. Everyone sit down and let's see what happens. In this book there are sounds like RUFF-RUFF that the dog makes. Let me hear you say that. Great! For Little Chick the sound is tippy-toe, tippy-toe, tippy-toe. Let me hear you say that. Great!OK, ready?! As I read the book you'll be making these sounds. Listen to the story too and see how smart Little Chick is. Read the story Tippie-Toe Chick, Go! by George Shannon. Early Literacy Aside--Example: Having your children make the sounds of animals and other sounds helps them develop phonological awareness, being able to hear the smaller sounds in words. This is so important when they later try to sound out words.
Tippy-Toe Chick, Go! by George Shannon
Early Literacy Aside--Explain: Letting your children know when you really enjoy a book helps them see your own enjoyment. Even doing this small thing helps develop print motivation, a child's interest and enjoyment of books and reading.Early Literacy Aside--Example: Our next book is funny and clever. I enjoy this book because the little chick is the one who is so smart! Listen to what happens. Read the book Tippy-Toe Chick, Go! by George Shannon. [For more participation, which also supports print motivation, have the participants chime in for RUFF-RUFF and tippy-toe, tippy-toe.]
Don't Worry Bear by Greg Foley
Book Introduction: Our next book is Don't Worry Bear by Greg Foley. [Run your finger under the title.] In this book the caterpillar says the words "Don't worry, bear" over and over again. Let's practice saying that--"Don't worry. bear." Good! . . .As I read the book, I'll point to you all and you'll know to say, "Don't worry, bear." [As you read the book run your finger under the words don't worry bear, as they say these words.] Early Literacy Aside--Example: You noticed that I ran my finger under the words don't worry bear each time you all said those words. This helps develop your children's print awareness, knowing that print has meaning and that it is the words we read. You can do this with any book you read!
Don't Worry Bear by Greg Foley
Before reading the book, talk about the process of how a caterpillar grows and then goes into a chrysallis or cocoon and then emerges as a butterfly or moth.Early Literacy Aside--Example: Talking about what you know, even if it is not in the book, helps your children understand the world around them. Use words that your child may not already know, just explain them. This is how you build their vocabulary and background knowledge which will later help them understand what they read. Read the book Don't Worry Bear by Greg Foley.
Don't Worry Bear by Greg Foley
Before reading the book talk about caterpillars and how they grow. Ask questions to see what the children already know.Read the title, Don't Worry Bear, and tell the group that these words are repeated throughout the book. Let's say them all together, "Don't worry, bear." The caterpillar keeps saying "Don't worry, bear," and you will say it each time. Let's try it. Read the book Don't Worry Bear by Greg Foley. Early Literacy Aside--Example: Having the children repeat a phrase in the book is the beginning of developing your children's narrative skills. The next step is to have your child retell the story to you. This later helps with your child understanding what he will read when he gets to school.
Buzz, Buzz, Buzz! Went Bumblebee by Colin West
Early Literacy Aside--Explain: Narrative skills can be developed by having your children tell stories. This is easier for some children when they recognize patterns so that they can predict what will happen next.Early Literacy Aside--Example: As we read the book we want to encourage our children to recognize the pattern and to repeat "buzz, buzz, buzz" and "buzz off." Read Buzz, Buzz, Buzz! Went Bumble-bee by Colin West Fingerplay: Here is the Beehive Here is the beehive. Where are the bees? (Hold up fist.) Hidden away where nobody sees. (Move other hand around fist.) Watch and you see them come out of the hive. (Bend head close to fist.) One, two, three, four, five. (Hold fingers up one at a time.) Bzzzzzzzz all fly away! (Wave fingers.) Early Literacy Aside--Empower: Children enjoy repeating phrases as they did in our book and song. Please help your children look for patterns in the books and songs you do at home. This helps foster your children's narrative skills which will later help them understand how stories work and will help them understand what they read.
Move Over Rover! by Karen Beaumont
Early Literacy Aside--Example: As we read this book listen for words that rhyme, words that sound similar. Even the title of the book Move Over Rover has two words that rhyme. Hearing and making rhymes will help your children sound out words when they learn to read.Read Move Over Rover by Karen Beaumont Repeat the story using stuffed characters and a box or crate as a doghouse and let the children tell the story, using rhyming phrases from the book. Submitted by participants of Saskatchewan Library Association Conference
Fidgety Fish by Ruth Galloway
Early Literacy Aside--Explain: Today we are focusing on phonological awareness, the early literacy skill that includes rhyming and helps children hear parts of words. This activity will help children later sound out words as they learn to read.Early Literacy Aside--Example: This story, Fidgety Fish by Ruth Galloway, has rhyming and non-rhyming segments. We'll see words that rhyme and words that don't. Rhyming breaks words into smaller parts. Words that sound like the sounds they make also support phonological awareness. This is called onomatopoeia.
Submitted by participants of Saskatchewan Library Association Conference
Dog Blue by Polly Dunbar
Early Literacy Aside--Explain: Narrative skills includes the ability to retell stories. This is one of the early literacy skills that researchers have noted are important so that your children will later understand what they read.Read Dog Blue by Polly Dunbar. Early Literacy Aside--Example: Acting out stories or part so them helps children internalize the story and remember it. It will make it easier for your children to retell the story and understand it. They also learn the structure of story--how stories work with a beginning, a middle, and an end. Act out the story. Early Literacy Aside--Empower: Children enjoy talking about books you have read together. It is a good way to engage them in conversation, and also helps them remember the story they have read. The ability to retell a story is an important skill to learn before going to school. It helps them understand how stories work and to understand what they will read.
Submitted by participants of Saskatchewan Library Association Conference
Animal Boogie by Debbie Harter
Early Literacy Aside--Explain: Researchers have found that one of the early literacy skills is phonological awareness. This is the ability to hear and play with the smaller sounds in words, like rhyming and hearing the beginning sounds of words. Today I'll be pointing out ways you can help your children with this skill.Early Literacy Aside--Example: Our next book is one we can sing. Listen to all the rhymes in this book. Singing slows down language and rhyming breaks down words into parts. Both of these help your children hear the smaller sounds in words. You can also think of other words that rhyme, or add extra verses at the end. Read the book Animal Boogie by Debbie Harter.
Eat Your Peas by Kes Gray
Click below for a storytime plan including the book Eat Your Peas by Kes Gray and highlighting print motivation.
peaspeaspeas1.doc Submitted by participants of Saskatchewan Library Association Conference 2008
How To Be a Good Dog by Gail Page
Early Literacy Aside--Explain: Narrative skills is the ability to describe things and to talk about events, and to tell stories. Researchers have noted this skill as one of the early literacy skills that will help your child be ready to read. It helps them understand what they will read.Our next book is How To Be a Good Dog by Gail Page. Let's see what this dog learns. Read How to Be A Good Dog. Early Literacy Aside--Example: Acting out stories with your whole body helps our children remember the story to retell it. Let's act out the story together now. Early Literacy Aside--Empower: Developing narrative skills is as easy as talking with your child about what you've read AND especially having them respond too. You can ask them, "What was the funniest part for you?"
Submitted by Saskatchewan Library Association conference participants
Who Is Driving? by Leo Timmers
Early Literacy Aside--Explain: Today I'll be pointing out some activities we are doing that support ealry literacy in the area of vocabulary. This is the term that researchers give to knowing the meanings of words. You can see what we do here in storytime and you may get some ideas of what you can do with your children throughout the day.Read the book Who Is Driving? by Leo Timmers. Pause occasionally to talk about a picture and ask what they see in the picture. Add a word or two, synonyms to the words in the the book, the children might not know. Early Literacy Aside--Example: As you can see, I don't just read the book. We talk about the pictures and ask questions. Allow time for your child to say something back, even if you don't understant exactly what they say. You can see I added in a couple of unfamiliar words too. Early Literacy Aside--Empower: Our youngest children learn words that name things they can see (pig, tractor, hippopotamus). As children get older they understand words for feelings and concepts, and older still, they understand words for ideas. It is good to expose even young children to all kinds of words, but they will understand the words for things they can see first.
Submitted by Saskatchewan Library Association conference participants
Board books
Early Literacy Aside--Example: Board books are a great investment for babies! They allow babies to handle books freely, and even chew them. Good first choices are board books with pictures of everyday things. Try pointing to the pictures and then to the real objects around you.This helps babies get the idea that pictures and words are symbols for real things, a basic concept for later reading.Share a board book of your choice.
Submitted by Cindy Christin, Bozeman (MT) Public Library
What Shall We Do With the Boo-Hoo Baby? by Cressida Cowell
Early Literacy Aside--Explain: I will be having the children hear and make animal sounds. This is one of the ways to develop phonological awareness, hearing the smaller sounds in words. This is the beginning step to later sounding out words when they learn to read.Book Introduction: Our next book is What Shall We Do with teh Boo-Hoo Baby? by Cressida Cowell. All join in together with the animal sounds and the crying baby! [If you want you can practice the animal sounds and the boo-hoo for crying before starting the book.] Read the book. Early Literacy Aside--Example: Good job everyone. Parents, letting the children hear and make the sounds helps them later hear the sounds in words. Early Literacy Aside--Empower: Feel free to check out these books I have displayed which have animal and other sounds, which will help with phonological awareness.
Submitted by Cindy Thompson, Roanoke City (VA) Public Library
Mortimer by Robert Munsch
Mortimer's song is repeated:Clang, clang, rattle-bing-bang Gonna make my noise all day. Clang, clang, rattle-bing-bang Gonna make my noise all day. You pass out musical instruments and have them play to the rhythm of the song. Early Literaacy Aside--Example: As the children are saying the words of the sounds, they are developing phonological awareness. Having them play to the rhythm of the words also helps develop this skill which will later help them sound out words when they learn to read.
Submitted by Barbara Slough, Glasgow Library, Rockbridge Regional Library (VA)
Pig's Picnic by Keiko Kasza
Read book Pig's Picnic by Keiko Kasza. Retell the story using props. Have the children retell the story as you maneuver the props.Early Literacy Aside--Example: Using props is one way to help your child remember the story as they try to retell it. When they can retell a story, it helps their understanding.
At the end of storytime hold up the handout of Pig's Picnic (below) and demonstrate how you have cut out the pieces so that the children can retell the story. Early Literacy Aside--Empower: You can strength your children's narrative skills, the ability to tell stories, by taking home this storytime handout, having your children cut out the pictures and retell the story. As they retell the story they may add ideas of their own! pigs-picnic-hand-out.doc Submitted by Laura Mikowski, Hillsboro (OR) Public Libraries
Night in the Country by Cynthia Rylant
Early Literacy Aside--Explain: When we talk about a story after reading it, we are helping our children remember what we have read. Having your children retell the story takes it a step further to help them develop narrative skills, which will later help them understand what they read.Read the book Night in the Country by Cynthia Rylant. Point out the different sounds and animals out at night. Describe the pictures. Ask children questions about what they think about at nighttime. How do you feel? What do you hear? Early Literacy Aside--Example: As I read the book you saw how I asked some questions to make the book more personal for the children and to help them relate it to their own experiences. This is one way to help children understand the book better. Early Literacy Aside--Empower: Talking about experiences and what your child is thinking about can enhance the book. Books often expose our children to different ideas and to things they may not otherwise see. This interactive experience of discussing what your child thinks about nighttime is also a way to develop your child's narrative skills and their background knowledge, what they know abour the world. Both will help them understand what they read when they learn to read.
Submitted by Sharon Lindsay, Rockbridge Branch, Bath County (VA) Public Library
Whose House Is This? by Charles Reasoner
Early Literacy Aside--Explain: There are many ways we can help children enjoy books as we share books together. Children who have positive experiences around books and reading are more likely to stick with learning to read even when it is difficult. I'll be pointing out some ways to share books to make it enjoyable. As you read the book have children repeat the phrase, "I do. I'm a . . . " with each animal. Early Literacy Aside--Example: Having the children participate by guessing the animals and responding when the animal appears helps them enjoy the book. This helps support their print motivation.
Submitted by Tara Smith, Roanoke County (VA) Public Library
Children's names or any words
Early Literacy Aside:--Explain: Separating a word into sound parts is called segmentation. Playing with words this way with your children now will help your children later when they learn to break words into syllables to decode words. Clap childen's names or choose words with different numbers of syllables. Early Literacy Aside--Example: Clapping or tapping helps children hear parts of words which will make it easier for them to sound out words when they learn to read. [for 3 - 5's you can use rhythm sticks]
Submitted by Di Gagnier, Roanoke County (VA) Public Library