Roll Your Hands (song) from Toddlers on Parade by Carol Hammett

Sing Roll Your Hands from Toddlers on Parade by Carol HammettWords: Roll, roll, roll your hands fast as fast can be. Do it now, let me see Do it now with me.

Tap, tap, tap your feet Shake, shake, shake your hips Roll, roll, roll your hands [Repeat one or two times all together. Clap together when done.]

Early Literacy Aside--Empower: This is a good rhyme to do as you are bathing or diapering your child. Use different parts of the body and words for different actions to help increase your child's vocabulary. Even though your baby does not understand everything you say, it is important for her to hear you say many words. The wider variety of words that your child hears, the larger her vocabulary will be, and the more easily they will later be able to read.