What Difference Does It Make? The Impact of Early Literacy Training on Youth Services Staff 
In May 2011, Hedberg Public Library youth services staff and community partners in Janesville, Wisconsin, participated in a two-day early literacy training program with Betsy Diamant-Cohen and Saroj Ghoting. Short and long term effects of the training on the library staff will be presented as well as observations from parent participants of the programs making this one of the few studies to find out what parents/caregivers are getting from changes in programming. Presented by Dr. Betsy Diamant-Cohen, Mother Goose on the Loose® Early Literacy Program, Saroj Ghoting, early childhood literacy consultant, Sharon Grover, Hedberg Public Library, Dr. Allison G. Kaplan, University of Wisconsin – Madison, and Julie Westby, Hedberg Public Library

Powerpoint Handout 
Training Agenda 
Mother Goose on the Loose Overview
What Can I Say? 2-page summary